• Posts Tagged ‘vulnerability’

    Partial Eclipse

    by  •  • FlashBacks, LifeStuff, Writings • 1 Comment

    I try to recall how I ended up dancing that distant dance those years with you Come pray with me you asked I will pray with you I replied And so we met plainly cordially quietly in the library and muttered wishing words asking for youthful and holy and grand and kind things and...

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    Resistance and Vulnerability

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    For the writer, one of the greatest tools in Resistance’s toolbox is reticence, and its perpetual challenge to one’s vulnerability. Reticence is a fantastic tool for Resistance because it keeps the writer perpetually self-monitoring and questioning their work- and in many cases, by highlighting where a particular admission or proclamation or illustration might open...

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    The Courage to Create

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    The truth is, if you want to write, like in any other great venture in life, you have to take some risks. True, you aren’t high-wire walking over a 150 foot canyon. You aren’t riding your motorcycle in that metal sphere with two other bikers circling in the same tiny space. You aren’t letting...

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    Come In, Draw Close

    by  •  • LifeHelps • 0 Comments

    Anne Lamott says that if you want to be a writer, you need to sit down each day, and regardless of whether or not you are crazy or mentally dead or narcissistic, try and write at least a paragraph.  Get one paragraph down of something, and let that stand, and aim to do it...

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