• 7 Minutes: Simple Spirituality

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    Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” ~ Genesis 4:6-7 After...

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    A Bungled Break and Outsidedness

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    It’s Sunday night, January 1, 2012, the second-to-last night of my break from work and for the holidays, in which some 8 days have slid past, and I feel frustrated.  Frustrated that I feel I didn’t accomplish anything over these days off.  Frustrated that I didn’t go snowboarding this break, like I had planned...

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    Seeing the Lighthouse

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    It has been a good week so far this week taking a break in life, getting some time off from the job and being able to work on some projects at home and get caught up on chores.  Every year between Christmas and New Years, my life takes on a deeper tone of reflection...

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    Christmas 2011

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    It was a good Christmas this year. Christmas Eve, I was happy to spend some time with my extended family, Wendy and Eric and Zach, along with Eric’s brother and their collective horde of dachshunds and dachshund derivatives.  I had hoped to watch something Christmasy with someone this Christmas, and they came through with “It’s A...

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    Character: “It’s in the trying.”

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    I heard some tough news this week. I learned earlier this week about a long-time acquaintance and highly-regarded man in the local church community who had left his wife of thirty years to run off with another woman.  This man ran two prominent and successful Christian bookstores here in town over the years and,...

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    O Christmas Tree!

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    A gift from my running buddy, Kurt, Son of Thor, and his wife.  Kurt asked me if I had any holiday decor up in the old casa.  I told him “No.”  He thought that wasn’t right.  His wife made this little tree for me.  Little gifts mean a lot, don’t they?  Thanks, guys! Consider...

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    7 Minutes: The Big Win

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    “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” Hebrews 2:14-15 My friend Wendy said she...

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    From Kiplinger’s: “25 Ways to Waste Your Money”

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    If you are, like the rest of us, trying to watch your cash and figure out how to cut your expenses, Erin Burt, Contributing Editor at Kiplinger.com, wrote a great article on some of your money habits to audit. I give you, in summary, Erin’s list of poor practices to avoid here. Carrying a...

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    Dealing with Down Times: The Three Lists

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    Well, it’s that time of the year again- we are officially in the holiday season. For most of us, this period of the year is a happy time when we visit family, revisit good memories, stuff ourselves silly, and share yuletide cheer with friends and co-workers.  For some of us, though, trekking through the...

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    Stay In The Game

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    Tonight, I finished the evening watching two more episodes of the best sports drama series I have never seen, “Friday Night Lights.” Wrapping up season three via Netflix rentals, the Dillon Panthers make it to the State Finals game, and after a lethargic first-half of play, the Panthers make a courageous run to erase...

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    Home Improvements, Edition 1

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    It was a good weekend this weekend. On Saturday morning, our church campus was able to greet a throng of guests from the neighborhood, and we offered a Christmas Store, in which parents of financially-strapped families could pick out some gifts for their kids while their kids made some crafts. A Frito Pie lunch...

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    A pet peeve: the cup of java you buy is not full.  I think I paid for a full cup.  If you don’t want me to have as much coffee as is supposed to be in the cup, then make the cup smaller.  I should be able to know how much coffee I will...

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    Courage, the Gateway to Love

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    Tonight I was thinking about love, and how if you want to be a good lover at all, you have to have courage.  You have to have courage, because inevitably, in any relationship you have where you care about someone, something is going to happen where either you or the other falls and fails,...

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