• Roadies

    A collection of summaries about road trips enjoyed or endured.

    Camp Spriggs

    by  •  • Roadies • 1 Comment

    My friend Chris and I took an opportunity to visit our old friend Steve up at his family’s cabin in Westcliffe, Colorado, this last weekend. The opportunity bubbled up quickly, albeit a month ago, when an idea became three yes’s, and a near future date was set. Chris and Steve and I have all...

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    Day Trip: Mesita, Bibo, Moquino, Seboyeta

    by  •  • Roadies • 0 Comments

    Early Sunday afternoon, I had some time, so I set out towards a sunny west, originally planning to visit El Morro and see Juan de Oñate’s cursive on Inscription Rock. After a few long glances at the landscapes off of I-40 around Mesita, I called an audible and thought I’d stick around in this...

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    Day Trip: Jemez, Valle Caldera, Abiquiu

    by  •  • Roadies • 0 Comments

    This last Sunday, with the knowledge that fall was arriving this week, and with it, the spread of color down the Rocky Mountain chain and beyond, I figured it was a good day to reconnoiter how some trees looked up north. After getting up early and getting a green chile stew stewing in the...

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    Day Trip: Chaco Canyon

    by  •  • Roadies • 3 Comments

    As last Monday was the last day of the Labor Day weekend, I didn’t feel right not using it to go out somewhere, and the first destination that entered my mind was the Ah-shi-sle-pah Badlands, home of the King of Wings and Alien Throne rock formations. My enthusiasm for that trip was tempered by...

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    Day Trip: Hatch Valley and Old Mesilla

    by  •  • Roadies • 2 Comments

    This last Saturday, I had the need to get out of the house for a while, and with it being near the end of August (and, with my small chile crop faltering late in the growing season), a destination for a day trip became clear. Despite being a native New Mexican, I had never...

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    Day Trip: Destination, Mora

    by  •  • Roadies • 0 Comments

    This day trip was prompted a few weeks ago when I ran across the photo someone had taken of a unique church standing in a field. I learned the church was near the town of Mora, New Mexico, and with a visit to an old churches of New Mexico book I have, I learned...

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    Day Trip: Española Area Churches

    by  •  • Roadies • 2 Comments

    After about two months of shutting in at home, I called for a pandemic break yesterday and hopped into my truck early and pointed it north for a spell. I wanted to see some nature, some new churches, and to take a few photos. Thankfully, it turned out to be a really nice day....

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    Day Trip: San José de la Laguna Mission Church

    by  •  • Roadies • 0 Comments

    I had two major aspirations for 2020, besides the basic health and life stuff. The first was to improve at writing (hopefully, by actually writing some this year). The second was to improve in my photography understanding, skills, and technique. To improve in photography, it means I have to get out and take some...

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    Day Trip: Bosque del Apache

    by  •  • Roadies • 0 Comments

    I had heard earlier this week that there were a lot of birds at the ponds and fields in Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. If I was a little more aware, I would have also know this coming weekend is the Festival of the Cranes down there, which celebrates the return of the...

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    Bosque Sunset

    by  •  • Roadies • 0 Comments

    After a quick trip to Kansas last weekend to partake of the annual autumn Arkalalah Festival and to celebrate an aunt’s milestone birthday, I came back with a cold. I muddled through Monday. I coughed through the work day today. Still, caught in my constant war to try and figure out how to use...

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    Weekend Recap: October 19-20, 2019

    by  •  • LifeStuff, Roadies • 1 Comment

    I’ve not been writing much for the last half a year, largely because I have just had a hard time thinking I had anything to write. Well, they say when you can’t think of much to write, write anyways, so this is a leap in that direction. This last weekend was deeply enjoyable for...

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    Day Trip: Chimayo and Santa Cruz

    by  •  • Roadies • 1 Comment

    I had an opportunity this past Saturday to join my friend Tammie and some of her family for the closing activities for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe’s “Pilgrimage for Vocations” week up in Chimayo. Tammie has a daughter that participated in the week’s event, and for me, it provided me with an opportunity to...

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