Picture of the day.

    POTD: Waiting for Spring

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    After a day as a homebody, watching streams of my nephew wrestling in a high school meet in Nebraska across the late morning and afternoon, and poring over my financial activities from last year (with an aim for a tighter budget), when 4:30 PM came around I was guilted into some daily exercise. Guilt...

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    POTD: Translation

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    My folks finally go their new gas fireplace installed at their home today, replacing a good old unit that finally gave up two years ago. My effort at drawing a quick use guide for the remote control for my dad. Not sure it helps, but I tried. Today was a good day, bright out,...

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    POTD: Moody Sky

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    The sun was bright this morning when I got around, and it stayed bright, although the morning was cold. I took a walk on my neighborhood trail at lunch, and the skies were busy with cloud whispering.

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    POTD: Onion

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    When you run out of hours in the day, and need a photo, you do whatever. This is my black-and-white onion still life, taken with an 85mm lens at F1.8, onion on the kitchen counter. If anything, post-processing this photo gave me a chance to play a little with trying to pull out more...

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    POTD: Paces

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    Another day, another overdue crash landing. Back to the Loop path after work it was, for a walk and a sulk. I don’t think I am made for relationships. Elapsed I knocked on a door And it opened part way I looked inside But I didn’t stay I knocked on the door on another...

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    POTD: Wilderness In Our Backyard

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    It was nice to wake up this morning and see a sky covered by lily pad clouds. In time, the clouds all melded into one and hugged the earth, giving us a nice and gentle snow mid-morning. About noon, I took a brisk walk under a white sky on one of my normal routes-...

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    POTD: Scientist

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    I broke out of my pattern of two-years of passive (non-)participation with the Albuquerque camera club today, and ended up getting lunch with several men who participate in the club’s mid-week photography meets. We had a good lunch at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (the taco salad was delicious, as expected), and following the...

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    POTD: The Belt

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    When I checked out of work today, I did a few things in the house, and then I went upstairs to my bedroom, where I thought I’d get a shirt nap. I woke up an hour later with the sun down, and the horizon glowing behind a great tree in a neighbor’s back yard.

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    POTD: Arrival

    by  •  • POTD • 1 Comment

    One afternoon early last spring, I found my long, clear, tubular plastic bird feeder on the backyard patio concrete, scarred with a long crack along one side. It had been in questionable condition throughout the prior year, losing two of its four plastic peg perches to overweight pigeons or squirrels practicing the trapeze. Well,...

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    POTD: Academy Geese

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    For whatever reason, it has finally occurred to me in the last year or so that I am aging. Never mind the white beard that has been around for a while. Or those odd aches and pains that appear out of nowhere. Not even feet neuropathy registered that I was getting older. But I’ve...

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    POTD: Frosting

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    Today, the weather was brisk and breezy as clouds and wind moved in over the city as the afternoon passed. With these conditions, a cloud bank folded over the top ridges of the Sandia mountains, covering them like frosting on top of a cake.

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    POTD: Stalker

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    I took a walk before work this morning to get my blood moving before spending the day at the desk. Off of the walking path that extends east from Wyoming, the tall flower stalk of a century plant stands in a neighboring yard, peering out at me over the wall. Or am I peering...

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