Picture of the day.

    POTD: Malformed Maw

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    Despite the remarkable beauty that surrounds us in nature, there is always the reminder that within it itself is cruelty, and misfortune. This afternoon I was enjoying the sparrows that frequent the bird feeder in my backyard, and this one fluttered in for a meal. From the looks of it (and judging by its...

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    POTD: Squirrel in a Tree

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    At lunch today, I took another walk along my usual route- half a mile out and half a mile back to the east on the arroyo trail. Today, it felt nothing like winter, though- the sky, criss-crossed by vapor trails, was a deep blue, and the sun was warm. As I approached the park...

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    POTD: Epiphony (B/W)

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    With an Albuquerque BioPark pass in my possession and a sunny 70-degree afternoon before me, I spent several hours at the city zoo today. I was ambivalent about going at first because of my old mental tendency to think “I’ve been there before- what will be different this time?” Well, this time, the gorillas...

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    POTD: Drone Practice

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    After a slow start this morning, I headed over to Walmart about noon to pick up some scrubbing items- so the I could try to remove the white paint that was spattered in the wheel wells and on the flaps on the left side of my truck two nights ago when I drove through...

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    POTD: Barky Dog

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    Today’s photo from my “Another Day, Another Walk” outing features a dog that lives at a house on the south side of the arroyo, about halfway up along my walking path. I can hear him bark at other people on the path as I am out walking, or whatever else gets him roused aa...

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    POTD: Sparkly

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    In my quest to remain more active, I went out to Dirty Bourbon (Bar and Dance Hall) tonight for a few hours with a friend, and tried to two-step off a few calories. Thursday nights at the place are Ladies’ Nights, which meant little to us as we got to the establishment a little...

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    POTD: Say’s Phoebe

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    In today’s edition of “Another Day, Another Walk”, I set out at lunchtime to get some movement in on the old arroyo trail before the weather turned gruff. As I left the house, it was already breezy and chilly as dark clouds hung over the city. During my returning leg of the walk, a...

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    POTD: Sentry

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    After work tonight, I took my oft usual walk east for half a mile on the arroyo trail. It was cooler as a brisk breeze blew against me on my way out. The sun was in golden-orange hour for half of my stroll. Near my turn-around point, I spied this creature peering out at...

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    POTD: Gym Walk

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    I am fortunate to live not more than a few blocks from Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, a really nice complex for community and senior activities ranging from classes and sports to meal opportunities and group outings. At the end of 2023 I thought I would get back into shape with my sister and her...

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    POTD: James the Sailor

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    I spent the morning trying to get caught up on some work at home, but I was determined to get outside for the afternoon, and after lunch, I decided to motor on down towards old Albuquerque and spend the afternoon at Tingley Beach. Today, Tingley Beach is a strand of man-made pools where locals...

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    POTD: Foothills Thrasher

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    The Lobo basketball team played a nationally-televised game this afternoon at one, and knowing I would watch it at my sister’s, I decided I would get a decent walk in before the game in the Sandia Foothills Open Space. Not far from the Michael Emery trailhead parking, I found myself before two curved-bill thrashers...

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    POTD: Second

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    I often take a break during the day to go to my back door and see what, if any critters are hanging around out back. Frequently off and on, I find a healthy squirrel sitting either own my wall or a neighbors’ wall, sunning and sniffing the air. I thought there was just one...

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    POTD: Tuna Steak

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    The image is not much, but for me, the tuna steak is a departure, because I do not eat much seafood- let alone prepare it. But with new paths come little changes in course and direction, and I picked up a bag of frozen tuna steaks last weekend, intending to eat healthier at home....

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    POTD: Golden Hour

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    With yesterday being a day off for bank and school and government people, work was quiet and unstressed. Today ended up feeling like a Monday because of it, but I took two opportunities to day- at lunch and after work- to walk the neighborhood trail, again, with the aim of improving my mental and...

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