• LifeStuff

    Personal reflections on my life and experiences.

    Hemingway and Anderson

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    Today I was reading a little about Hemingway because I read him heavily one year in college and loved his language-bending, and I was surprised to learn that he wrote a novella. It wasn’t the novella itself that surprised me, but rather, that he wrote a novella that was meant to be a parody...

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    The Disappearance of Anna P.

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    When the screen door slammed that morning at 9:30 after breakfast, Gladys P. did not know what a painful, uncomfortable day her day would become. Neither did her husband. It was just another weekend in their summer cabin in the pleasant, quiet community up on the hill in the central mountains. The lodgings were...

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    Destination: Silver City III

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    I slept in this morning until 8, and went downtown to get a hearty breakfast. The cafe that was recommended to me was closed, but there was a fine greasy spoon right by it that had exactly what I craved- a ham and cheese omelette, juice, coffee, and toast. I walked around downtown and...

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    Destination: Silver City II

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    It’s 10:40 and after a long day I am just getting around to posting, so it will be short. The day started off great, with an early morning drive to City of Rocks that was charmed because of the animals out and about that I saw. I arrived at City of Rocks about 7:45...

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    Destination: Silver City

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 1 Comment

    After hearing from my co-workers about Silver City these last few weeks, and seeing photos from others who have visited there, I decided rather than sit at home in the pizza oven with a few extra days available over the Independence Day weekend, it was as good a time as any to use some...

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    Unique Encounter

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 1 Comment

    Last night at about 7, I went to the Blake’s on Academy and San Pedro for a bite to eat. In the restaurant, in front of me at the counter is this kid who looks like a typical young highschooler. His skin is olive colored, and he is tall, brown-haired and thin, wearing long...

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    Gospel Gratitude

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    I have a sense of where to go with the Ruby story, but just do not have it in me tonight to whittle the next chapter out. Too tired. I will just say Thank You to my folks for raising me around the Bible. The world is weird. Progress says that all of our...

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    Deja Who?

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    Tonight I spent the evening with my folks, and after an awesome dinner my mom made- pulled pork sandwiches with some baked beans and potato salad on the side- we played a round of Ticket to Ride, a game they seem to like enough to play with me when I ask them from time...

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    Slow Burner

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    It’s been a strange day, to say the least. It started quietly enough, but around noon, I received an email from the office administrator of our neighborhood’s HOA, in which she stated that she had quit the day before. Her reasons for quitting were two, and named- two men who sit on the board...

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    Welcome Back

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    A few days ago, one of my classmates from high school mentioned on Facebook that after a long time away, he and his family had moved back to Albuquerque, and that he was looking forward to reconnecting with old friends. When I knew him in high school, we had been in student senate together...

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    Priming the Pump

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    It’s been, for some reason, a tremendously slow reading year for me this year. It’s not because I don’t have books to read. I have a sizable stack of books just waiting to be read, and they are inviting tomes. I think its just been more that I’ve had a hard time making myself...

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    Nantucket Cat

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    There once was a cat from Nantucket A feline of renown “upchuck it”- Not know to sway, At 4:10 each day, It would choke on a hairball and then huck it. This same poem in cat language would go as so: *Meow* *Horn* *Sound of the sea* *Meow* *Gek Gek Gek Applause Scream* *Silently...

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    Maintenance Maintenance

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    After work this evening, I came home and gave in for a short time to the Cubs game that fired up at 6 PM. After a few innings though, the house was a bit too hot inside and I realized I needed to get up and go in the garage and work on other...

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    An Enjoyable Weekend

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    I wanted to write more tonight, but this day is drawing to an end, and I have to get to bed. This weekend was most enjoyable for a few reasons, the main one which occurred on Saturday night. My longtime close friend’s daughter got married. That event was most special because I’ve known Chris...

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    Cloud Calling

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    Living in New Mexico, I’ve spent a fair amount of time outside, and I’ve learned when I am outside to frequently look up. New Mexico puts on some wonderful sky shows with its endless vertical expanses of deep blue and sculpted whites. The clouds have always drawn my eyes. They provide a drama all...

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