POTD: ’69 Impala
by Bruce • March 27, 2025 • POTD • 0 Comments

While running some errands out at Coronado Mall, this classic car was chilling in the lot.
Read more →While running some errands out at Coronado Mall, this classic car was chilling in the lot.
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Read more →Since returning to work in the office full-time almost a month ago, I have made some new friends in the dogs that come and hang at the place. My boss Tim adopted his daughter’s dog, Jake, when she took a job overseas, and he frequently spends his day in our office. Another employee brings...
Read more →Birds roost in the high branches of a tree in a neighbor’s yard beyond my back wall- a great place from where to watch the late day clouds roll by.
Read more →I met Dennis some 15 years ago when we both attended church at the start-up Highland Campus of Sagebrush Church. We were in a bible study group for several years there together, among other activities, and since have stayed in touch with a few others in town from that small group. Dennis celebrated his...
Read more →Tokyo-born Chicago Cub Seiya Suzuki signs autographs for fans in the Tokyo Dome before the Cubs’ exhibition game with the Hanshin Tigers of Japan’s Nippon Professional Baseball Organization (screen capture). I enjoyed the fan-fortified contest, but my Cubs ended up losing the game 3-0 on a night that also saw the top-seeded UNM men’s...
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