• POTD: Squirrel in a Tree

    by  •  • POTD • 0 Comments

    At lunch today, I took another walk along my usual route- half a mile out and half a mile back to the east on the arroyo trail.

    Today, it felt nothing like winter, though- the sky, criss-crossed by vapor trails, was a deep blue, and the sun was warm.

    As I approached the park near at the far end of my stroll, I was surprised to look up into a not-so-tall bare tree off of the pathway and see, doing its best to avoid my gaze, a squirrel frozen in a few thin upright branches. I paused and snapped a few pics of it, and it remained where it was, a stiff amenable subject, and then I walked on and did several short loops by the park before rejoining the path on my homebound leg, and as I approached the little tree again, I look up to see the squirrel still doing whatever it was doing among the branches, and then as I neared it, it scurried down the trunk and into the shallow knolls of the field nearby.


    A web programmer by day, I somehow still spend a lot of time thinking about relationships, God, and the significance of grace and love in daily events. I am old school in the sense that I believe in the reality of sin, and in the need of each human heart for deliverance to the Divine. I am one of those who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that you can find most answers to life's pressing issues in Him and His Word, the Bible. I ain't perfect, and a lot of the time I ain't good, but by God's grace and kindness, I am forgiven and free.

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