POTD: Say’s Phoebe
by Bruce • January 29, 2025 • POTD • 0 Comments
In today’s edition of “Another Day, Another Walk”, I set out at lunchtime to get some movement in on the old arroyo trail before the weather turned gruff. As I left the house, it was already breezy and chilly as dark clouds hung over the city. During my returning leg of the walk, a light dusting of graupel shrouded the distant path for a good ten minutes- and once I was home, sitting at my desk and working, the sky grew darker outside, and to my surprise, we had an actual duration of snowfall.
Before my graupeling, though, I ran into a bird I commonly see on plants or bouncing across the ground along the trail. Today, I got a decent picture of it and I looked it up when I got home. Apparently another set of my neighbors are Say’s phoebes, a common little bird in the Southwest that likes to look for insects on the ground, or flying in the air.