• Weekend Recap: October 19-20, 2019

    by  •  • LifeStuff, Roadies • 1 Comment

    “Into the Trees” at Hyde Memorial State Park

    I’ve not been writing much for the last half a year, largely because I have just had a hard time thinking I had anything to write.

    Well, they say when you can’t think of much to write, write anyways, so this is a leap in that direction.

    This last weekend was deeply enjoyable for Sunday morning, but more memorable for the Saturday morning event.

    On Saturday, I attended a funeral for an old friend from my college days.

    Keith Buchanan, though a few years my senior, entered college the same year I did. He was fresh out of the Navy then, while I was fresh out of high school. Keith loved God with his life back then, and consistently continued to after he finished college. Single, he was a busy man nonetheless. He was a long time teacher at Hope School here in town, where, among other charges, for 17 years, he chose to teach 4th graders. Keith also loved to sing, and he sang duets with his twin brother Jon, and trios with Jon and his dad, and he also sang in barbershop groups and church choirs. Keith was also dedicated to strengthening and sharing his faith through consistent participation in a long running Bible study group, and through jail ministry here in town, which he and his brother did together. Keith was an outdoorsman who loved to hike, and he loved to travel.

    Keith was inquisitive, passionate, steadfast, compassionate, and, probably most of all, he loved people a lot. You learned that through the number of people that filled the sanctuary for his funeral. You also learned that by the words spoken by a good number of them attesting to his commitment to God, and to others.

    Keith was grading papers at his desk in his classroom one evening after school when he had a heart attack and passed away.

    When I left that service Saturday morning, I was grateful to have known Keith over the years, despite much of it being “back then”. And Keith’s life, on display in that service, made we want to live my life better. More deeply in my faith. Giving more somewhere. More involved with other. Less about me, and more about others.

    Keith loved a lot. And I want to be more like him like that.

    Saturday afternoon was chores and Saturday evening was the completion of a week-long binge on Keanu Reeves films (Speed, Hardball, Destination Wedding, Point Break, and A Walk in the Clouds). I am a big fan of the guy, and his movies.

    Sunday morning I got up before dawn and hit the road for Santa Fe and Hyde Memorial State Park. The goal was to see what, if anything, was happening with the aspen up there. I was thinking that I may have totally missed them turning this year, but luckily the foothills of the Sangre de Cristos hinted that the moment was still right- colorful trees sprung from grounds between the high desert homes.

    When I finally got into the hills of the park, patches of yellow began to pop out in the green covering the hillsides. And then rounding a turn, full mountain faces were sprayed in yellows, oranges and browns. I hadn’t missed it.

    March of the Trees

    I drove on back to the Aspen Vista Trail parking area (which was packed with cars by the time I arrive there near 10 AM), and parked and joined others to in on the trail for a good hour or so.

    It was hard to leave Hyde, but I had game group in Albuquerque at 2, and finally I was able to tear myself away from the cool air and color and head back south toward home.

    Aspen Flush

    Beauty, in nature and in human spirit, is always refreshing to observe and meditate upon.

    Keith’s obituary is available for view online here.


    A web programmer by day, I somehow still spend a lot of time thinking about relationships, God, and the significance of grace and love in daily events. I am old school in the sense that I believe in the reality of sin, and in the need of each human heart for deliverance to the Divine. I am one of those who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that you can find most answers to life's pressing issues in Him and His Word, the Bible. I ain't perfect, and a lot of the time I ain't good, but by God's grace and kindness, I am forgiven and free.

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