When The Sneezes Came
by Bruce • September 28, 2017 • LifeStuff • 1 Comment
Tonight I am nursing a mildly sore throat and a runny nose after a day of sneezing here and there.
I was fine when I got up, but early on I sneezed once. And then once I got to work, early in the day, I sneezed three times in rapid succession. And not more than 40 minutes later it happened again- a cluster of sneezes. And those continued to happen, a set of sneezes every hour.
It was clearly something malevolent was going on inside my body.
I started working on immune system vitamin C fizzes and zinc lozenges after I got home from work, and even got a bottle of orange juice from the nearby market which I started swigging from this afternoon, but I think I was a little late.
I continued to sneeze on into this evening.
Colds happen.
The weather changes, we do not get enough rest, some tiny microbe lives on a handrail or water fountain or door handle rides our hand to our nose or mouth.
And there we are.
Sneezing, sniffling, the tingly throat, irritated eyes.
I think winter is near.
So, we go to bed.
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