• Archive for April, 2014

    Planter Project, Part II

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 1 Comment

    Tonight after a good but laborious day at work, I came home and decided I had better keep on the project. Resistance tries to steer you away from creativity, Pressfield says. I sense that strongly now, and as I try to listen to my interests and intentions, I am also trying to hear Pressfield...

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    by  •  • Writings • 1 Comment

    Soon shall come the day when every light goes out, when golden leaves quit falling, and lark and jay shall fail to sing. The water will not break against the rocks, the sun will finally surrender, and the moon will hide from sight. Alto and soprano will all be silenced, every lip will be...

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    Planter Project, Part I

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    I had it in mind a year ago to take a rock-filled strip in my backyard and convert it into a garden dealie. Naturally, last summer, fall and winter came and went, and with the return of spring this year, the idea returned. And then it evolved- seeing some planter boxes in an open...

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    Easter Thoughts, 2014

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    It’s the middle of April, and so Easter is upon us again. Active in church, I can easily forget the big picture of it all, and so when Easter comes around, I try to take some time to remember- why is church important? Why do I pour so much time and thought into this...

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    Ramblings | April 14, 2014

    by  •  • Dear Diary • 0 Comments

    While overall today was a well executed day, it was also a challenging one. I started the day working off of my newest to-do list, which I am trying to incorporate into my life because I so often need help getting things done, and I had two items on it that were going to...

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    Ramblings | April 9, 2014

    by  •  • Dear Diary • 0 Comments

    Today was a good day, and by all accounts, it felt that way from the get go this morning- despite another cat gift found in the front room. After dressing, I discovered that French Roast in the coffee maker is actually a blend that I like (with French Vanilla). At work, I felt like...

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    Ramblings | April 8, 2014

    by  •  • Dear Diary • 0 Comments

    Today was a normal Tuesday in most aspects. I got up. I made coffee. I went to work. I had small group. It was different in two ways though. Before work, I had a medical appointment with a specialist whose office was on the west side, in a direction opposite from where I work...

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    Time to Move

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    Regardless of anything else, I am always aware of time passing. I always have been. I’ve always had a sense that my life began at a point on a line, and at some point in the near or distant future, it will end. I know my days are numbered. I am fairly healthy right...

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    by  •  • Dear Diary • 1 Comment

    In some seasons of my life, it can feel like being is divided into three layers. On the surface is the layer of action, where the day to day bustle of life happens. In the innermost one, people meet and share their souls, and find camaraderie and sympathy and compassion, and it’s there they...

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