• Archive for July, 2024

    The Hardest Surrender… Goodbye, Po

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    On June 27th, two days after putting Chayya down, I woke up with a vet appointment scheduled for Po. Little did I know I would not come home with him that day. For a period in late spring and early summer, I relished the idea that, despite Chayya and Shukriya moving on clear paths...

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    Remembering Chayya

    by  •  • LifeStuff • 0 Comments

    On June 25th of last month, I made the hardest visit to a vet that I had had to make up to that time. On that morning, I let go of Chayya and sent her to rest and peace. Chayya was my 15 year-old feisty fuzzball of a kitty, and she was the first...

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